Ford Park Cemetery Trust
Cemetery of Choice

"A Working Cemetery in the Heart of Plymouth"

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Tel 01752 665442    

This year we are again delighted to present a concert by world acclaimed classical guitarist David Cotter, those of you who have attended David's previous concerts will know just how enjoyable these concerts are and what a skilled performer the artist is.
We are doubly fortunate in that David will be presenting two concerts, one on Friday 28th June at 7pm in the Victorian Chapel in Ford Park Cemetery and a second on Sunday 30th June at 1pm, again in the chapel.
Tickets are on sale for £12 each and refreshments included during the interval.
From past experience we know that any concert by this renowned artist generates a lot of interest so anyone wishing to attend is advised to book early.
Tickets are available from the Office at Ford Park Cemetery Ford Park Road, Plymouth PL4 6NT or by telephone (01752 665442), card payments accepted.